Member donations to country santa
coordinated by Deanna Janilla
November 11, 2021

The back story and delivery day
with the Phillips Family
December 24, 2021

I thought y'all might want to see the process for delivering presents from Country Santa, since so many of our members made significant donations of toys, etc. Country Santa has a small complex in northern Pickens County where all of the organizing and bagging is done. On Christmas Eve morning, long lines of vehicles wait to pick up the toys, food, bicycles, etc. as well as the sheets that give directions to the homes receiving the deliveries. After registering as a delivery person, the bags, boxes and bikes are loaded into vehicles for delivery. We had all three grandsons along with us, so we just filled the back of our truck with 10 bags and assorted items that were too big to fit into the bags. Many of these families needing assistance live in areas that we only see once a year. These people often don't have the kind of home and lifestyle that we are blessed to have. This year we had very little trouble finding all the correct homes in the Pumpkintown area assigned to us. Our grandsons are always humbled (and a little horrified) by the campers, cabins, etc. that often house multiple generations. I am so glad that RRC supports this grassroots organization that has assisted upstate families for more than 40 years.