Georgia Guideposts
April 16, 2022

Staged at Thomas Creek Brewery to start the drive - by Dave Smits

Staged at Thomas Creek Brewery to start the drive- by Sheila Smith

Staged at Thomas Creek Brewery to start the drive - by Dave Smits

Staged at Thomas Creek Brewery to start the drive - by Dave Smits

10 Corvettes on the road - by Brenda Verdone

RRC group at Georgia Guidestones - by Sheila Smith

Georgia Guideposts parking - by Dave Smits

Georgia Guideposts - by Dave Smits

Georgia Guideposts - by Dave Smits

Georgia Guidestones - by Sheila Smith

Georgia Guideposts - by Sheila Smith

Georgia Guideposts - by Dave Smits

Georgia Guideposts by Dave Smits

Georgia Guideposts - by Sheila Smith

Rest stop after the Georgia Guideposts - by Mary Smits

Rest stop after the Georgia Guideposts - by Dave Smits

Rest stop - Stating the obvious - by Dave Smits

Carolina Bauernhaus Brewery - by Sheila Smith

Galley Restaurant - by Sheila Smith

Marina at Galley Restaurant - by Sheila Smith