Oconee Humane SOciety Fly-In
May 21, 2022

Fly-in plane

Mary Smits, Scott Doelling, Jennifer Doelling, Sherry Brunett

Brenda Verdone, Steve Verdone, Brian Pollock, Gary Phillips, Joe Colletti, Tim Janilla, Phillip Watson

Deanna Stacy, Barbara Stacy

Fran Griffith, Michael Griffith, Lee Bates

Tim Janilla

Ridge Runner Corvettes cars

This young lady asked Scott if he would start his car

This young lady asked Scott if he would start his car

Then Scott asked her if she would like to sit in it

She sits in the car

A memory for a lifetime

And then, Scott starts the car again

I think I see tears of joy

Gary & Joy Phillips'

Golf ball drop helicopter

Golf ball drop

Ridge Runner Corvettes cars

Deanna Janilla

Ridge Runner Corvettes cars

Steve & Brenda Verdone's

Tim & Deanna Janilla's

Dave & Mary Smits'

Lee Bates' & Bonnie Taylor's

John & Sherry Brunett's

Joe Colletti's

Gary & Joy Phillip's

Steve & Brenda Verdone's

Scott & Jennifer Doelling's

The Ridge Runner Corvettes cars

The Ridge Runner Corvettes cars

The Ridge Runner Corvettes cars

Invisible sporting her Ridge Runner Corvettes cargo cover

On the tarmac waiting to be parked

Seneca Daily Journal Article