Drive to Whitewater Falls & Whiteside Brewery in Cashiers, NC
August 12, 2022

Whitewater Falls parking lot - photo courtesy of Joy Phillips

Whitewater Falls parking lot - photo courtesy of Joy Phillips

White Water Falls - Brian Pollock, Bill Bowman, Joanna Bowman, Joy Phillips, Mike Rich, Jean Roberts, Diana Adams, Penney Baumgartmer, Martin Stacy, John Brackett, Emilio Zordan, Penney's passenger for the day - Missing from the photo - Gary Phillips, Rob Roberts, Barbara Stacy, Barb Brackett, Brenda Verdone, Steven Verdone, Dave Smits, Mary Smits, Linda Zordan

Pass to Whitewater Falls Park - Thanks to the Rob & Jean Roberts for providing them to the club - photo courtesy of Dave Smits
The group that descended the stairs to the falls viewing platform - photo courtesy of Steven Verdone

Heading down the stairs to the falls viewing platform - photo courtesy of Steven Verdone

Whitewater Falls from the viewing platform - no zoom - photo courtesy of Dave Smits

Whitewater Falls from the viewing platform - 2x zoom - photo courtesy of Dave Smits

Whitewater Falls from beside the viewing platform - better view of the lower falls - no zoom - photo courtesy of Dave Smits

Whitewater Falls from beside the viewing platform - better view of the lower falls - 2x zoom - photo courtesy of Dave Smits

Lake Jocassee - no zoom - photo courtesy of Dave Smits

Lake Jocassee - 2x zoom - photo courtesy of Dave Smits

View out the Phillip's windshield - Photo courtesy of Joy Phillips

View out the Phillip's rear view mirror - Photo courtesy of Joy Phillips

Whiteside Brewery parking lot - photo courtesy of Joy Phillips

The beer list at Whiteside Brewery in Cashiers, NC - I've circled the hard seltzer with a very appropriate name - photo courtesy of Dave Smits

Whiteside Brewery - brewing equipment (there's even a worker back there) - note the clever use of parking meters - photo courtesy of Dave Smits

Ridge Runner Corvettes taking advantage of the outdoor seating on the fabulous day - some even partook of the Ridge Runner Hard Seltzer - photo courtesy of Dave Smits

Ridge Runner Corvettes taking advantage of the outdoor seating on the fabulous day - some even partook of the Ridge Runner Hard Seltzer - photo courtesy of Dave Smits

Ridge Runner Corvettes taking advantage of the outdoor seating on the fabulous day - some even partook of the Ridge Runner Hard Seltzer - Photo courtesy of Dave Smits