Christmas PArty
Alex & Brooke CHapman’s House
December 11, 2022
Lots of conversation & Comraderie
Meal catered by Spice Diner, Appetizers by Jean Roberts, Desserts by Deanna Janilla and Jody Pimental

Front table: Pauline Kinstrey, Bob Kinstrey, Kelly Hancock, Sunburst Hancock, Stephen Shupe, Clair Iler

Judy Hans, Sunburst Hancock

Judy Hans, Sunburst Hancock, Kelly Hancock

Alex Chapman, Scott Doelling

Deanna Stacy, Dave Stacy, Joy Phillips, Gary Phillips, Barbara Stacy

Alex Chapman, Jerry Pimental, Brooke Chapman

Front Table: Judy Hans, Richard Sabo, Kathie Sabo Bill Bowman, Joanna Bowman, Wendel Hans

Jerry Pimental, Gary Phillips

Ron Williams, Tanny Williams, Wendy Cusick, Randy Cusick

On Sofas: name withheld by request, Patti Sentell, Lee Bates, Bonnie Taylor

On Sofas: Jerry Pimental, Bonnie Taylor, Lee Bates, Sue Pollock, Brian Pollock

Ron Williams, Brooke Chapman

Tanny Williams, Joy Phillips, Sue Pollock, Jean Roberts

Stephen Shupe, Tanny Williams, Joy Phillips, Sue Pollock, Jean Roberts

Deanna Janilla, Ron Williams, Judy Hans, Brooke Chapman, name withheld by request

Front group: Deanna Janilla, Judy Hans, Patti Sentell, Ron Williams, name withheld by request

Front group: Rob Roberts, Alex Chapman, Jean Roberts, Brooke Chapman, Judy Hans, Wendel Hans
In addition to a catered meal, members brought appetizers, a sheet cake, and a cookie tray


Lee Bates & Bonnie Taylor

Bill & Joanna Bowman

Brooke & Alex Chapman

Brooke, Alex, and Will Chapman

Casey Clark

Wendy & Randy Cusick

Scott & Jennifer Doelling

Kelly & Sunburst Hancock

Judy & Wendel Hans

Judy & Wendel Hans

name withheld by request & Patti Sentell

Debbie & Mark Ingram

Deanna & Tim Janilla

Pauline & Bob Kinstrey

Joy & Gary Phillips

Jody & Jerry Pimental

Brian & Sue Pollock

Rob & Jean Roberts

Claire Iler & Stephen Shupe

Barbara, Dave, Deanna (guest) & Martin Stacy

Ron & Tanny Williams