Shooting at Palmetto State Armory
December 13, 2022
The club shoots at Palmetto State Armory at 10 AM on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Ladies are welcome. In fact, Wednesday’s are ladies day so they get the lane for free. Men who share the lane must pay. We usually walk across the parking lot to Chuy’s for an after shooting lunch. Come join us.
Pictures courtesy of Brian Pollock

Now, that's good shooting!

Diana Adams, Mike Rich, lane 18 is not RRC, Lee Bates

Tim Janilla, Diana Adams, Mike Rich, Lane 18 not RRC, Lee Bates

Randy Cusick, Kelly Hancock, Tim Janilla

Rob Roberts, Randy Cusick

Diana Adams

Diana Adams

Lee Bates, Tim Janilla, Mike Rich, Randy Cusick, Diana Adams

Lee Bates, Tim Janilla Mike Rich

Randy Cusick, Kelly Hancock, Tim Janilla

Mike Rich, Diana Adams

Michael DeMolina, Randy Cusick

After Shooting Lunch - Tim Janilla, Rob Roberts, Lee Bates, Michael DeMolina, Diana Adams, Mike Rich, Kelly Hancock