Drive to Pisgah Inn REstaurant
August 22, 2023

On the road - Picture courtesy of Clair Iler

On the road - Picture courtesy of Clair Iler

Picture courtesy of Clair Iler

Stephen Shupe, Rob Roberts, Jean Roberts, Brenda Verdone, Steven Verdone - Picture courtesy of Clair Iler

Staging for the Drive - Picture courtesy of Mike Rich

Picture courtesy of Mike Rich

Emilio Zordan, Robert Marshall, Brenda Marshall, John Brackett, Barb Brackett, Linda Zordan - Picture courtesy of Brenda Verdone

Stephen Shupe, Claire Iler, Jean Roberts, Rob Roberts - Picture courtesy of Brenda Verdone

Mike Rich, Diana Adams, Dave Smits, Mary Smits, Bonnie Taylor, Lee Bates - Picture courtesy of Brenda Verdone