Drive to holliday brewery
August 9, 2024
Special thanks to Penney and David Baumgartner for organizing this drive.

Corvettes staged for the drive at the former Kevin Whitaker Used Car site - picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Corvettes in the Holliday Brewery parking lot - Picture courtesy of Mike Taylor

Corvettes in the Holliday Brewery parking lot - Picture courtesy of Mike Taylor

Corvettes in the Holliday Brewery parking lot - Picture courtesy of Mike Taylor

Corvettes in the Holliday Brewery parking lot - Picture courtesy of Mike Taylor

Ridge Runner Corvettes members enjoying some camaraderie, food, and drink - Bonnie Taylor, Gary Phillips, Joy Phillips, Jody Pimental, Jerry Pimental, David Baumgartner, Penney Baumgartner, Ruth Taylor, Dave Smits, Mary Smits, Ron Williams, Tanny Williams, Brenda Verdone, Steven Verdone, Robert Marshal, Claire Iler, Stephen Shupe, Lee Bates - Picture courtesy of Mike Taylor

Ridge Runner Corvettes members enjoying some camaraderie, food, and drink - Dave Smits, Mary Smits, Ron Williams, Tanny Williams, Brenda Verdone, Steven Verdone, Robert Marshal, Claire Iler, Stephen Shupe, Lee Bates, Bonnie Taylor, Gary Phillips, Joy Phillips, Jerry Pimental, Joy Pimental, David Baumgartner, Penney Baumgartner, Ruth Taylor - Picture courtesy of Mike Taylor

Ridge Runner Corvettes members enjoying some camaraderie, food, and drink - Dave Smits, Mary Smits, Ron Williams, Tanny Williams, Brenda Verdone, Steven Verdone, Robert Marshal, Claire Iler, Stephen Shupe, Bonnie Taylor, Gary Phillips, Joy Phillips, Jerry Pimental, Joy Pimental, David Baumgartner, Penney Baumgartner, Mike Taylor, Ruth Taylor - Picture courtesy of Jody Pimental

Ridge Runner Corvettes members enjoying some camaraderie, food, and drink - Bonnie Taylor, Gary Phillips, Joy Phillips, Jody Pimental, Jerry Pimental, David Baumgartner, Penney Baumgartner, Mike Taylor, Ruth Taylor, Dave Smits, Mary Smits, Ron Williams, Tanny Williams, Brenda Verdone, Steven Verdone, Robert Marshal, Claire Iler, Stephen Shupe, Lee Bates - Picture courtesy of Jody Pimental