December 9, 2024 meeting
Our Fall Cruise-in was cancelled in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, but the club was still able to present a check to Service Dogs for Veterans

Brian Pollock - President - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Preparing for the check Presentation - Tom Brinegar - Executive Director Service Dogs for Veterans, Brian Pollock - President - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Check presentation - Tom Brinegar - Executive Director Service Dogs for Veterans, Brian Pollock - President - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Check presentation - Tom Brinegar - Executive Director Service Dogs for Veterans, Brian Pollock - President - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Check presentation - Brian Pollock - President - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Check presentation - Tom Brinegar - Executive Director Service Dogs for Veterans - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Tom Brinegar - Executive Director Service Dogs for Veterans - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Standing: Brian Pollock - President - Seated: Ron Williams, Randy Cusick, Wendy Cusick, Penney Baumgartner - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

LaShonda Prim - Service Dogs for Veterans graduate - sponsored by Ridge Runner Corvettes - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

LaShonda Prim - Service Dogs for Veterans graduate - sponsored by Ridge Runner Corvettes - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

LaShonda Prim - Service Dogs for Veterans graduate - sponsored by Ridge Runner Corvettes - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

LaShonda Prim - Service Dogs for Veterans graduate - sponsored by Ridge Runner Corvettes - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

LaShonda Prim - Service Dogs for Veterans graduate - sponsored by Ridge Runner Corvettes - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Snow - LaShanda Prim's service dog - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Aswad Prim, KC Robinson - Program Coordinator Service Dogs for Veterans - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

LaShonda Prim - Service Dogs for Veterans graduate - sponsored by Ridge Runner Corvettes - Seated to her right: Aswad Prim, KC Robinson - Program Coordinator Service Dogs for Veterans - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Scott Doelling - Vice President and Membership Chair - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Standing: Penney Baumgartner - Member-at-Large - Seated: Ron Williams, Randy Cusick, Wendy Cusick - Background: Scott Doelling - Vice President and Membership Chair, Dave Smits - Treasurer, Richy Brock - visitor - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Standing: Scott Doelling - Vice President and Membership Chair, Richy Brock - Visitor, Tate Brock - Visitor, Penney Baumgartner - Member-at-Large - Seated: Jennifer Doelling, Tanny Williams, Ron Williams, Randy Cusick, Wendy Cusick - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Penney Baumgartner - Member-at-Large, David Baumgartner - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Jennifer Doelling - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Members - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Standing: Michael Moore - guest trivia questioner - Seated: Gene Peterson, Linda Zordan, Rob Roberts, Emilio Zordan - Photo courtesy of Michael Taylor

Check Presentation - Photo courtesy of Deanna Janilla

LaShonda Prim - Service Dogs for Veterans graduate and Ridge Runner Corvettes sponsor - Photo courtesy of Deanna Janilla

Snow - LaShonda Prim's service dog - Photo courtesy of Deanna Janilla

Check presentation - Photo courtesy of Lee Bates

Check Presentation - Photo courtesy of Lee Bates

Check Presentation - Photo courtesy of Lee Bates
October 14, 2024 meeting
Our Vice-President, Scott Doelling was celebrated for being 40 years shy of a century old.

Scott before a hat became a daily accessory.
September 9, 2024 meeting
Special guests at this meeting were the following from Service Dogs for Veterans:
Bill Brightman — Executive Director for the past 10 years
Tom Brenigar — Executive Director for the future
KC Robinson — Program Director
Joe Kelly, his wife Shannon, and his service dog Shylo

Brian Pollock - RRC President - Picture courtesy of Sheila Smith

Brian Pollock, RRC President, introducing Bill Brightman, Executive Director, SD4V - Picture courtesy of Sheila Smith

Bill Brightman, SD4V Executive Director, announcing that he is stepping down from day-to-day activities - Picture courtesy of Sheila Smith
Joe Kelly and his service dog Shylo (just his tail), recent graduates, talking about how his life has changed with Shylo and being told that he was sponsored by RRC - Picture courtesy of Brian Pollock
Joe Kelly, recent graduate, talking about how his life has changed with Shylo and being told that he was sponsored by RRC - Picture courtesy of Brian Pollock

Bill Brightman, outgoing SD4V Executive Director, introducing Tom Brenigar, incoming SD4V Executive Director - Picture courtesy of Sheila Smith

Joe Kelly, recent graduates, talking about how his life has changed with Shylo and being told that he was sponsored by RRC - Picture courtesy of Deanna Janilla

Joe Kelly, recent graduates, talking about how his life has changed with Shylo and being told that he was sponsored by RRC - Picture courtesy of Sheila Smith
Some of the meeting attendees - Picture courtesy of Brian Pollock

Joe Kelly and his service dog Shylo, recent graduates, talking about how his life has changed with Shylo and being told that he was sponsored by RRC - Picture courtesy of Deanna Janilla

Shylo, Joe Kelly's service dog, making friends - Picture courtesy of Sheila Smith

Shylo, Joe Kelly's service dog, making friends - Picture courtesy of Sheila Smith
August 12, 2024 meeting
Pictures of the Ridge Runner Corvettes club cars at the August meeting.
Pictures courtesy of our host, Buffalo Cornbread

July 8, 2024 meeting
The Corvettes in the Buffalo Cornbread parking lot for the July Ridge Runner Corvettes meeting
Can you spot the club member’s newest Corvettes?
Hint: They have temporary tags.
And … INVISBLE just might have a dance partner.

June 10, 2024 meeting
Ceremonial Check Presented to Service Dogs for Veterans by Ridge Runner Corvettes

The ceremonial check presented to Service Dogs for Veterans by Ridge Runner Corvettes

Bill Brightman - Service Dogs for Veterans Executive Director and Brian Pollock - Ridge Runner Corvettes President with the ceremonial check presented to SD4V by RRC. Picture captured from Facebook. The Invisible Corvette made a guest appearance in this picture.

Bill Brightman - Service Dogs for Veterans Executive Director and Brian Pollock - Ridge Runner Corvettes President with the ceremonial check presented to SD4V by RRC. Picture courtesy of Deanna Janilla.

Bill Brightman - Service Dogs for Veterans Executive Director and Brian Pollock - Ridge Runner Corvettes President with the ceremonial check presented to SD4V by RRC. Picture courtesy of Deanna Janilla.

SD4V Veterans & Dog teams Charles (Zane is napping), Dave (Crash is napping), Donna (Dave's wife), Nate with Olivia. SD4V staff members - Program Coordinator KC (Keira is napping) and Executive Director Bill Brightman with the ceremonial check

Brian Pollock - Ridge Runner Corvettes President, Jeff Kilgore - Buffalo Cornbread Owner, Bill Brightman - Service Dogs for Veterans Executive Director with the ceremonial check presented to SD4V by RRC. Picture captured from Buffalo Cornbread's Facebook page.

Bill Brightman - Service Dogs for Veterans Executive Director and Brian Pollock - Ridge Runner Corvettes President with the ceremonial check presented to SD4V by RRC. Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

The word of the night was "spiel" (you had to be there). Brian was giving his and Bill was listening intently - picture courtesy of Deanna Janilla
Service Dogs for Veterans who PARTICIPATED in the Ridge Runner Corvettes Cruise-In on May 18, 2024 chose the Best club car at the show
They chose Randy Cusick’s beautiful 1964 Corvette Coupe
Randy’s car was also judged “Top Flight” by NCRS in 2022

Service Dogs for Veterans Executive Director Bill Brightman presents the Best RRC Corvette trophy to Randy Cusick - picture courtesy of Mary Smits

Service Dogs for Veterans Executive Director Bill Brightman presents the Best RRC Corvette trophy to Randy Cusick - picture courtesy of Mary Smits

Service Dogs for Veterans Executive Director Bill Brightman presented the Best RRC Corvette trophy to Randy Cusick and then recognized Gary Phillips who made the wonderful trophy - picture courtesy of Mary Smits

The trophy for the Best Ridge Runner Corvettes member car as judged by Service Dogs for Veterans - the trophy was made and customized for the winner by the Gary Phillips, an RRC member - picture courtesy of Randy Cusick
a few veteran & dog teams came with Bill Brightman to accept the club’s donation and share their stories
Pictures courtesy of Deanna Janilla, Brian Pollock, and Dave Smits

Charles with Zane, Dave with Crash, Donna (Dave's wife), KC with Keira, Bill Brightman, Nate with Olivia - the dogs are chilling on the floor - Invisible made a cameo appearance

Charles with Zane, Dave with Crash, Donna (Dave's wife), KC with Keira, Bill Brightman (standing), Nate with Olivia - KC, SD4V Program Coordinator (standing) is telling the group how important it is to have a will and shared a website that allows wills to be created at no cost

Nate with Olivia

Nate with Olivia - giving his "spiel" to the group

Olivia made many new friends

Nate and Olivia

Charles and Zane

Charles and Zane

Nate and Olivia

Nate and Olivia

Charles and Zane - telling the group his story

Olivia - making new friends has her all tuckered out

Both Zane and Olivia relaxing


KC, SD4V Program Coordinator

KC, SD4V Program Coordinator
it was a beautiful sunny day so the member corvettes were out in spades for the meeting

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

That's a lot of red - Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Red - Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Red - Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Red - Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Red with extra cooling vents for the track - Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Red - Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Red - Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

This one is hard to see because it is invisible - Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits

Picture courtesy of Dave Smits
April 8, 2024 meeting

Gary Phillips made this podium so that the presenters can hide behind it — OK, it allows them to lay their presentation material down and turn pages easier — next up, a way to clip the microphone to the podium

Some of the Corvettes the members drove to this meeting. The weather was perfect for Corvettes
Buffalo Cornbread became a Bronze level sponsor of the Ridge Runner Corvettes club at this meeting.

March 11, 2024 meeting
Gary Phillips made this podium so that the presenters can hide behind it — OK, it allows them to lay their presentation material down and turn pages easier — next up, a way to clip the microphone to the podium

Some of the Corvettes the members drove to this meeting. The weather was perfect for Corvettes

January 8, 2024 MEETING
This is the first meeting of the new year. At this meeting, officer positions transition based on the November elections. The outgoing officers are recognized for their service to the club. Lest you think we are all fun and games, the 20234 budget proposal is reviewed and then voted on my the membership.
President: Brian Pollock
Vice President & Membership Chair: Transitioned from Bill Bowman to Scott Doelling
Secretary: Transitioned from Sue Pollock to Lee Bates
Treasurer: Dave Smits
Member-At-Large: Penney Baumgartner
Past President: Jerry Pimental
Appointed Positions
Cruise-In Show Chair: Transitioned from Mary Smits to David Baumgartner
Events Coordinator: Kelly Hancock
NCM Ambassador: Transitioned from Lee Bates to John Brunett
Social Media Team: Sherry Brunett, Jerry Pimental, Brian Pollock, Dave Smits
Goodwill Ambassador: Sherry Brunett
Date: Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month
Location: Meetings are held at Buffalo Cornbread

Gary Phillips made this plaque to honor Sue Pollock’s 4 years as club Secretary

Gary Phillips made this C8 Corvette Generation Sign. This one sold at the meeting for $100. He can make one for any Corvette generation. Just contact him at

Kelly Hancock is modeling the socks that were purchased at the December meeting auction by Sunburst for $111. Hey, she needed a stocking stuffer (no pun intended)

Gary Phillips made this sign to visually track the club’s progress towards having funds to sponsor a veteran and dog team for $8,500. As you can see, we are half way there as of the January meeting.