Come out and enjoy the Ridge Runner Corvette Club’s annual Spring Charity Cruise-In on May 3rd, 10:00 to 2:00! All makes and models are welcome, and all have an opportunity to win the BEST OF EVENT TROPHY, which will be judged and awarded by our event DIAMOND SPONSOR, Tommy Pike, of Tommy Pike Customs, and his Team.
There will be food, music, and a 50/50 raffle, too
The cruise-in is conducted in support of our primary charity, Service Dogs for Veterans (, whose mission is “To complement the traditional treatment for Veterans with PTSD, TBI, and MST, by training them and a dog to become highly effective ADA Compliant Service Dog Teams.” Donations to SD4V are greatly appreciated, and can be made at the cruise-in or on the SD4V website.
In case of inclement weather, our rain date is Saturday, May 17th, at the same location.